The Destron base on Charr is suddenly upset when two newcomers
arrive, and the Destrons attack them, thinking they are Cybertrons.
They are jets which possess the ability to transform into animals,
then to robots -- Horrorcons Apeface and Snapdragon -- who have
been asked by Galvatron to join his troops. The Cybertrons learn
of the appearance of these two, and Spike, worried about the diminishing
chances of ending the war, decides to seek out a peace agreement
with the Destrons before the galaxy is destroyed, despite the
Cybertrons' concerns. Galvatron receives word of Spike's offer
of peace, and Scorponok & Soundwave plan a trap, replying
to Spike that he has to go with his entire family to meet in Shangri-La.
Galvatron & Spike begin their meetings while Carly & Daniel
are forced to remain with the Horrorcons, with the Cybertron Headmasters
remaining outside. Galvatron asks Spike for a token of trust -
leaving Daniel with the Destrons. Doublespy (Punch/Counterpunch) discovers
Galvatron at the Destron base instead of Earth and reports Galvatron's orders
to steal energy throughout the universe to the Cybertrons. The
Headmasters mobilize to rescue the humans when they find out Galvatron
is a fake. Galvatron then reveals himself to be Sixshot, leading
to a fierce battle outside. The Cybertrons beat up on the Destrons,
who escape through the space bridge. They try to follow, but Sixshot
blows up the space bridge.
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