The Transformers
(guía de cómics)

99-100 - Under Fire / Distant Thunder

The Autobots on Cybertron think Prime is a Decepticon imposter. They are about to execute him when Outback saves the day. The two hide out, but are found by guardian units who injure Outback. Prime take his injured friend to the Dead End. To raise Outbacks' spirits, Prime tells him about how he, Ratchet, and Prowl had a run in with organic/metallic beings as well as Shockwave, Thundercracker and Rumble, Prime figure out the way things are shaped in this world: that its too close to how things are with their war and he test his theory and poof its as it were a bad but real dream. They find themselves in a void known as Limbo, with creatures attached to their heads. The creatures, given enough time and violent emotion, could have weaved their dreams into reality. Just then, the is napped out of the story by the Wrecks, who come upon the two. Prime begs for the life of Outback and in the process convinces his old friend Emirate Xaaron that hie is the true Prime.
